Addressing a Silent Epidemic: A Literature Review of Fall Risk Awareness and Prevention Strategies for Older Adults in Nigeria




Fall awareness, Behaviour, Efficacy, Prevention, Health education, Older adults


Background: Falls among older adults have become a major public health concern due to their outcomes, which are often serious and may directly or indirectly affect patients, their families, carers, and the healthcare system. Although anyone may fall, older adults are more prone to falling, with associated higher rates of morbidity and mortality from the incidence when compared with younger adults. Understanding the risk factors associated with falls is crucial for developing effective fall prevention strategies tailored to the needs of the Nigerian older adult population. This review is focused on fall prevention among older adults.


Method: In this literature review, a comprehensive literature search was conducted using databases such as PubMed, Web of Science, African Journals Online (AJOL), Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar. Search terms included "falls," "falls risk," "falls prevention," "older adults," "elderly," and "Nigeria." Studies were included if they focused on older adults aged 60 years and above, addressed fall risk awareness or prevention strategies, and were published in peer-reviewed journals.; emphasis was on studies conducted in Nigeria and other developing countries. Data were extracted and categorized into epidemiology, risk factors, consequences, and prevention strategies.


Conclusion: By raising awareness about fall risk factors, promoting fall efficacy, and implementing evidence-based interventions, healthcare providers can help older adults stay safe and maintain their independence. Therefore, healthcare providers, policymakers, and community leaders should work together to develop and implement evidence-based fall prevention strategies that address the unique needs of the Nigerian population.


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How to Cite

Addressing a Silent Epidemic: A Literature Review of Fall Risk Awareness and Prevention Strategies for Older Adults in Nigeria. (2024). The Nigerian Health Journal, 24(4), 1665-1673.

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