Care-Recipient Perspectives on the Responsiveness of Orthopaedic Surgical Services in a Tertiary Center in Nigeria


  • TE Diamond Department of Surgery, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  • DS Ogaji Africa Centre of Excellence in Public Health and Toxicology Research (ACE PUTOR), University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Nigeria



Nigeria, UPTH, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, choice of providers, autonomy, confidentiality, dignity, orthopaedic services, Responsiveness


Background: Responsiveness optimises the system-based approach to meeting legitimate demands by healthcare recipients. This study assessed the responsiveness of orthopaedic services at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) from the perspectives of the care recipients.

Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study among 442 consecutively recruited recipients of orthopaedic services at UPTH from March to June 2020. Close-ended questionnaire with responsiveness conceptualised by five constructs: dignity, autonomy, confidentiality, quality of basic amenities and choice of care provider, each measured along 4-point response scale. The internal consistency reliability of the responsiveness scale was determined by the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. Descriptive (frequency, percentages, bar charts) and inferential (ordinal logistic regression) statistics were conducted and p-values ≤ 0.05 were considered statistically significant.

Results: Response rate was 97.3% and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the responsiveness scale was 0.83. Participants’ mean age was 38.5±14.8years with more being males (55.8%), privately employed (34.9%) and completed secondary education (82.5%). Proportion of respondents who gave excellent ratings across responsiveness domains were dignity (32.8%), autonomy (34.2%), confidentiality (26.3%), amenities (25.8%) and no excellent rating for choice of provider. Marital, employment and visit status were the most consistent factors associated with feedback on autonomy, choice of providers, confidentiality domains.

Conclusion: More orthopaedic patients were pleased with the level of autonomy and dignity than choice of providers and quality of basic amenities. There is the need for enhanced responsiveness of orthopedic services to meeting the unique needs of patients and achieving improved quality of care and patient outcomes.


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How to Cite

Care-Recipient Perspectives on the Responsiveness of Orthopaedic Surgical Services in a Tertiary Center in Nigeria. (2023). The Nigerian Health Journal, 23(3), 852-861.

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