Gender Differences in Motivation to Physical Activity in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
gender differences, physical activity, motivation, Port HarcourtAbstract
Background: Physical activity is essential to good health and longevity. The underlying motivations for individuals to engage in physical activity are of critical public health importance. The study aimed to identify the factors that motivate sustained physical activity between females and males.
Method: This comparative cross-sectional study applied an online semi-structured, self-administered questionnaire to survey 820 anonymous respondents (female=410, male=410) in Port Harcourt. Descriptive statistics were used to report the prevalence of motivators. Independent-sample t-tests were performed to determine gender differences in motivators for physical activity, with statistical significance set at p-value <0.05.
Result: The results indicated females are mostly motivated by positive health (mean = 4.63 ±0.66), ill-health avoidance (mean = 4.53 ±0.87), and appearance (mean = 4.44 ±0.91). The males are mostly motivated by positive health (mean = 4.56 ±0.86), ill-health avoidance (mean = 4.42 ±1.05), and nimbleness (mean= 4.24 ±1.18). Significant gender differences existed in motivators, with the females being more motivated by appearance (p = 0.00, t = 3.14), nimbleness (p = 0.01, t = 1.62), stress management (p = 0.02, t = 2.02), affiliation (p = 0.02, t = 2.56), and enjoyment (p = 0.04, t = 0.81) than the males.
Conclusion: There are gender differences in motivation to physical activity. Females are more motivated to engage in physical activities for appearance, nimbleness, stress management, social affiliation, and enjoyment than males. To improve physical activity participation and adherence, there is a need for programs that promote health and well-being across genders in the population.
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