Pattern Of Mortality Among Orthopaedic Patients Of A University Teaching Hospital: A Ten Year Review


  • Diamond TE Department of Surgery, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria
  • Ibeanusi S Department of Surgery, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria



mortality, orthopaedic deaths, admissions


Background: The patient with orthopaedic or traumatic condition that warrants in-patient care as dictated by the severity of the condition, the nature of intervention and the peculiarities of the patient is regarded as the hospitalized orthopaedic patient. Such patients generally have musculoskeletal conditions that require surgical intervention or close monitoring to improve the outcome of care. Complications may occur following such surgeries or intensive care, mortality being perhaps the most adverse endpoint of such complications

Aim: This study aims to determine the prevalence and spectrum of mortality among hospitalized orthopedic patients in the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital.

Method: This was a retrospective review of ward admission records, in-patient records, theater records and death certificates of orthopaedic patients who died while on admission in the orthopadic wards of the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital. Data obtained was analyzed descriptively. Results were presented in tables and charts where necessary. Chi-square test and students’t-test for continuous variables were used where appropriate to test observed differences, and p-value of <0.05 was deemed statistically significant

Results:   Total admission within the study period were 4,680. There were a total of 105 mortalities giving a crude mortality rate of 2.24% with the 20-44 age group contributing nearly half of the number. This study had more deaths from traumatic spinal cord injury (n=52, 49.8%) than from most other causes combined. Mortality was higher (n=88, 83.8%) in patients who stayed for less than 30 days compared to those who stayed more than 30 days (n=17, 16.2%)  with 75% of the mortalities occurring during the night shift.


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How to Cite

Pattern Of Mortality Among Orthopaedic Patients Of A University Teaching Hospital: A Ten Year Review. (2024). The Nigerian Health Journal, 24(1).

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